Saturday, February 20, 2010

What Superbowl Ads?

If I could use one word to describe the ads in this year's Superbowl it would be: disappointing. The minute the game started, I was waiting on the edge of my seat for the commercials to begin. This only happens once a year, and I expected nothing but the best. The first commercial break featured the Snickers spot with Betty White, and I found myself laughing because it was so stupid. I didn’t understand the ad until the end, and then when I did, I thought it was horribly done. After this spot I still believed things would get better. Well, much to my surprise, they didn’t! It was one unoriginal ad after the other. I mean come on Denny’s; we’re over the use of animals in ads.

However, there was one diamond in the rough: GOOGLE. It could have been the fact that I just got back from a semester in Paris, or that it was the only ad that had charm. Either way, it almost brought me to tears.

My hopes were high for the Superbowl this year, and most agencies failed to deliver. I know that times are hard, and budgets have been cut, but if you’re willing to pay 2.5 million dollars for an ad spot, might as well make it a good one.

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