Thursday, February 25, 2010

Founder's Day

This upcoming weekend my sorority, Delta Gamma, has its annual Founder’s Day. This is a day where we all gather as a sorority and celebrate our founding women, and honor the traditions they put forward. We dress nicely, eat a nice meal, sing songs, and meet local alumnae. To me, this is great occasion. I get to hang out with my sisters and celebrate the ideals and values that I committed to two years ago.

However, this event got me to thinking about all the “founding father’s” out there. Of course we have our USA founding fathers like Washington and Jefferson. But also, when you look closer at various industries, we have founding fathers of Advertising like Bernbach and Ogilvy. Wouldn’t it be cool if once a year we celebrated all the groundbreaking ideas that these people had that shaped the industry today? I know there are various award shows, but there should be a “Advertising History” day where everyone’s a winner- well except the loser’s who keep putting animals in ads (cough cough The Richards Group cough cough). Just kidding…

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