Sunday, February 28, 2010

Counting Stairs...What?!

Now that I’m taking my first creative advertising class, I started thinking about all the random things I do. Sure, everyone’s creative in their own way, and we all have our quirks. However, there is one thing that I do that I think is extremely bizarre, and something that should speak about who I am, but it doesn’t.

Ever since I was little, I’ve counted things. A few of my favorite things to count are: stairs, water towers (when in a plane), and footsteps. I know…this is extremely bizarre. At my peak of counting, I could tell you how many stairs went up to my bedroom, the basement, my friends houses, school stairs etc. On average, there are about fifteen stairs from the first floor of a house to the second floor. I never really thought about this habit, until I was older and talking to my dad. He thinks I’m secretly a mathematical, logical person- but I beg to differ. I HATE math. I even scored the lowest on my multiple intelligences test with math. But then why do I count? This a question I still can’t answer. However, after starting this creative class, I think it’s my brain working in a creative way I didn’t know I could do. Instead of just aimlessly walking to class, or going upstairs, my brain wants to be more entertained and wants to count.

I guess we all have weird quirks, and counting is just one of mine.

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