Sunday, February 28, 2010

Improv Everywhere

Ever want to spontaneously break into dance in a public place? What about whip out a choreographed routine in the middle of a bar? Well, thanks to “Improv Everywhere” people are randomly breaking in dance, mocking people across from them, and losing their clothes on the NYC subway. I stumbled across a video from them a few weeks ago, and couldn’t contain my laughter. This improv company organizes funny, public events and executes them with hundreds of people. My personal favorite was when they had a group of twins go on the NYC subway and mimic each other from across the aisle. It was so funny to watch the other train go-ers, and realize that the littlest things can cause the biggest laugh.

Another group that is just as funny is “FlashMob”. The funniest video is a choreographed dance in a Netherlands train station to the Sound of Music. It took place in a huge train station, and by the end almost all the people who weren’t a part of it were finding themselves dancing. Sadly, a "FlashMob" performance took place at The Louvre this past fall while I was studying abroad in Paris, and I missed it by one day. Needless to say, I was pissed. Both of these improv groups are creative thinking at it’s best.

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