Sunday, February 28, 2010

Mash-Up's: Art or Lack of Ideas?

Lately it seems there has been a surge of “Mash-Ups” on the radio and on TV. For those not familiar, a mash-up is when you blend two songs together. While I was abroad last semester my friend told me about a DJ who calls himself “MilkMan”. I was very confused at first, but after I started listening I was hooked. It was like he knew all my favorite songs and blended them together. Since then, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about mash-ups. Just a few weeks after MilkMan changed my world, my favorite TV show, “Glee”, incorporated mash-ups into their show! It was like the heavens answered my prayers and everything was turning into mash-ups. Okay, well maybe not everything, but it still seemed like a lot.

After instantly being hooked to these mash-ups, I found myself YouTube-ing the word “Mash-up” and spending hours on end trying to find another artist I loved. However, it got me to thinking about creativity. Are these mash-ups artist, or are they just bored and playing with their music? I think it’s a combination of both. I think they are artists because they can picture what sounds good together, and then they can blend them together perfectly. It is also a sign of lack of ideas, because instead of creating their own music, they’re just using already produced music. Either way, I’m a HUGE fan, and will always be searching for the next great mash-up. Below are two mash-up’s I’m a huge fan of.

Silhouette by MilkMan

Walking on Sunshine/Halo – Glee Cast

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