Saturday, February 20, 2010

State of my Union

Just this past week, President Obama delivered his “State of the Union” speech. All political views aside; it caused me to think about the state of my union. My life is one big…smorgasbord, if you will. I have a little bit of this, and a little bit of that in my life, and it’s just the way I like it. With that being said, I have a lot of temporary things in my life, but I have two unions that will never fade- the one with my family, and with my friends. My family is all over the country, and I don’t always get to see them as often as I would like. However, they are my support system near and far. The state of this union changes with time and distance, and if it were an ideal world, I’d see them everyday. As for my friends, this union is a little easier to manage, since most of my friends are here at SMU. I see them everyday, and can always count on them for a good time. As for my friends from Chicago- it’s a little more difficult to keep this union in tact. It takes much more of an effort to catch up with them, but when we reunite at home, it’s as if no time as passed.

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