Monday, March 1, 2010

Counting Body Weight in Stones

Just the other day I found myself flipping channels aimlessly, and stumbled across Oprah. I used to often watch Oprah in high school, but since coming to college, I’ve not had the time. Oprah’s guest of honor was Kirstie Alley- famous actress and weight-loss spokeswoman. After hearing her talk about her constant struggle with weight, and how she’s tried for years to keep the pounds off, they started discussing her new reality show.

Long story short, each morning with her assistants, Kirstie weighs herself. Being the comedian that she is, she never wants to know her weight, but instead wants to know how many “stones” she has to lose. She counts one stone as 14 pounds. After laughing and thinking she was hilarious, I started thinking how it was a great idea. Often times people who are trying to lose weight are overwhelmed by the number of pounds they want to lose, be it 20 or 200. I think we can all take some advice from Kirstie and count our weight in stones. Humans are mental people, and saying, “I need to lose 3 stones” versus, “I need to lose 42 pounds”, just sounds better and more do-able.

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