Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is Romance Dead?

Just the other day my roommate received a Facebook message from a guy she had met once or twice. He started the message off pretty standard, “hi, how are you?” etc. Then, he proceeded to ask her on a date. While this kind of thing isn’t at all shocking these days…it got me to thinking about romance- or lack there of in our digital world. Not only are majority of guys/girls asked out via texting, facebook etc, but also, people are increasingly ending relationships through a digital medium. Not okay.

Back in the day- well before computers and cell phones, so not too far back…people had to actually call someone to make a date. And if you go even further back, you would have to write letters, or happen to bump into them. Don’t get me wrong, technology is great, but I would have loved to live in the days where you wouldn’t receive a digital invitation for a date. Nowadays we seem to text more than we call people, and are constantly glued to our phones. And the worst part is, it’s almost awkward when someone you went on a date with actually does call you because we almost never talk on the phone these days.

Guys who might be reading this, girls love technology just as much as you do, but it might be nice to actually pick up a phone and ask a girl out instead of texting or Facebooking her…just a thought. Oh, and roses and chocolates are always welcome.

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