Monday, March 1, 2010

Quick Creativity

Like many advertising students, I have been completely wrapped up in applying for summer internships. I’ve worked in retail the past three summers, and while I love it (and enjoy my employee discount), I’ve decided to give shoes and handbags a rest, and think about my future. While I haven’t fully decided what part of the advertising industry I’d like to work in, I think that this summer is the perfect time to gain hands on experience in all fields.

With that being said, I looked to Leo Burnett- a top ad agency located in my hometown of Chicago. When I went on their website and began applying, I thought it was just going to be the standard, “submit your résumé and cover letter” deal. Well, it was, until the end when I had to complete an assessment. While this wasn’t the ideal time for me to answer questions, as I had class in about 15 minutes, I couldn’t save the application and complete it later- I had to think fast! The first question was very intimidating and required creative thought at its best. “Make up a culturally relevant word, define it, and use it in a sentence”. WHAT?! I couldn’t possibly be this creative. Well, out of nowhere like some divine intervention I started typing and came up with “socioadd”. A socioadd is someone who is addicted to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN. Okay, question one down, I think I nailed it…lets see what question two had in store. “What is your favorite place in the world, and name three things that no one would know about it”. On the surface this was easy- Paris! I’d just spent four months there, and knew I could write about it. However, to me, Paris seemed a tad generic. So, I reached in the back of my creative brain and said Interlaken, Switzerland. I then continued to write the following- something I think the HR people will get a good kick out of.

“My favorite place in the world is Interlaken, Switzerland. On the surface it is an outdoor lover's paradise. The picturesque Alps are the backdrop, but if you look a little closer you will find a tiny white house at the peak of the mountain where adventurous para-glider's take flight. You will also notice a beautiful old railroad track and station nestled deep in the Gruenwald hiking trails. Finally, you will be surprised to find that a Big Mac at McDonald's will cost you $12.”

Not bad, eh? So, I guess the point of this blog is to prove that creative thought is always useful, especially when applying for internships. I’m kind of happy I had to think on my feet for those questions, as it was good practice for my future in advertising.

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