Monday, April 19, 2010

Why Texans Are Badass

I always knew Texas was a badass state...from the lonestar, to the cowboys, we pretty much rule down here. With the recent economic downfall, Texas has managed to escape most of the drawbacks. According to the article (linked in the title), Texas continued to create jobs through most of 2008, when most of the nation was struggling. We still have a pretty high unemployment rate - 8.2%, but when comparing to California at 12.5% or Michigan at 14.1%, we're doing alright. The leading industry of Texas, energy, is almost recession proof because regardless of what's happening, we all continue to consume energy.

This article was pretty interesting, and confirmed my assumptions that Texas wasn't doing as badly as the rest of the country. I think that if other states take our lead, and don't get overhyped about certain things, and consume in moderation, they too can fare off the recession.

I'll leave you with 10 reasons to love Texas, according to The Washington Post
10. Pickup trucks with deer antlers (fake, we think) on them.
9. Sweet tea.
8. LBJ
7. This bumper sticker (American by Birth, Texan by the Grace of God)
6. The weather (we kid).
5. Gigantic American flags at every car dealerships.
4. Lots of George Strait on the radio.
3. Brisket.
2. Rick Perry vs Kay Bailey Hutchison.
1. Panther football.

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