Monday, April 26, 2010

Thanks Hugh!

All of Los Angeles and the world finally caught their breath today as Hugh Hefner donated the last $900,000 needed to save the Hollywood Sign.

If you're anything like me, you had no idea the Hollywood sign was in danger. Well, it was. A group of Chicago investors bought the land the sign sits on a few years ago, and had threatened to remove the sign. However, after the rest of the world heard of this, they immediately began to protest and raise funds.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it perfectly when he described the sign as, "a symbol of dreams and a symbol of opportunity and hope." What if all things that symbolized these things, or a city were gone? Imagine no Eiffel Tower, no St. Louis arch, no Big Ben...the world would be a lot less beautiful.

This whole ordeal reminded me of a time when my neighbors removed an old brick post from the end of my street. While on the surface, it seemed stupid, it had dated back to the early 1900's when my street back home in Chicago was just a small farm. The brick pillar was the only thing remaining from the farm, and it set our street a part from all the others. After they tore it down, the street revolted and it was put back up almost instantly. Sometimes things seem like a good idea at first for various reasons, but if we lose sight of what things mean- like The Hollywood sign, or the brick post, then we are stripping the world of it's beauty.

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