Monday, April 19, 2010

Wanted: George Washington

Wanted: George Washington
Where: New York Library
Why: Overdue library books

This is not a joke. According to the Associated Press, George Washington has two books overdue. He checked them out about 220 years ago, and apparently they just realized they were missing. This is serious. What ever will we do?!

Okay, as ridiculous as this article was, it got me to thinking about the future of libraries. Are they going to be necessary in the next 10 years? With the release of the iPad, the success of the kindle and ebooks, who is going to need to go to a library? This saddens me. I blogged a while back about how some things should stay the way they are, particularly books. And after this insane article, I don't see a future for library fines. Why would anyone want to check out a book and possibly have to pay for it being overdue, when they could just download the book to their iPad, Kindle etc? It just doesn't make sense.

Oh well, I guess only the future will tell if George will make a guest appearance and return his libary books...or if there will even be a library for him to return them to.

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